Athentech Perfectly Clear Complete Full Version 2023 Athentech Perfectly Clear Complete Full Version merupakan software standalone atau berdiri sendiri atau juga bisa menjadi Plugin tambahan adobe photoshop, lightroom, photoshop element, corel photo yang berguna untuk memperbaiki photo dalam mode otomatis ketika anda menggunkannya sobat.
Athentech Perfectly Clear terbaru ini memiliki kemampaun hanya butuh beberapa detik untuk memperbaiki gambar menjadi lebih sempurna dan tentu akan memuaskan anda semua!
Athentech Perfectly Clear memperbaiki gambar yang di rasa cacat seperti: kurangnya eksposur, pencahayaan, bayangan, kurangnya kekayaan dan kedalaman warna, warna tidak cerah, halus, blur, mata merah, noise,dll… Athentech Perfectly akan memperbaiki cacat yang tercantum di atas dalam mode otomatis, dan gambar pun menjadi indah dan menyenangkan untuk di lihat dalam hitungan detik!
- Perfect Exposure -We’ll correct exposure pixel per pixel, never clipping.
- Color Vibrancy -Accurately fix those photos that look like they’ve been washed out by the sun.
- Noise Removal -Automatically detects noisy images, and only removes noise if needed while preserving image details.
- Tint Removal -We’ll automatic remove those nasty tints from tungsten, fluorescent, incandescent, IR, etc light sources.
- Depth (Contrast) -People like to see photos with lots of depth (a 3D look) on 2D paper.
- Sharpening -Simple to use, yet very powerful. Artifact free.
- Skin Tone -Your camera capture infra-red in skin tones but your eye doesn’t see it. We can remove this.
- Light Diffusion -Create a softer, warmer look.
- Red-eye removal -Automatically detects and removes. Enough said.
- Color Fidelity -Ensure the proper purples and greens are in your photos.
- Color – Vivid -Add an accurate color boost to your photos.
- Dynamic Range -Get the full range of Exposure.
What’s New in Perfectly Clear 3:
You have better ways to spend your day than laboring over manual edits
You became a photographer to go out and capture the beauty of the world, not sit inside at an editing desk. We invented our automatic image corrections to take away the tedium and give you back your freedom. So let Perfectly Clear handle the editing chores while you devote your day to doing what you do best—creating incredible images.
– Up to 20 auto corrections with one click
– Batch process 1000s of images in minutes
– Stay within your workflow
– Unlock the details in every image
– Tap into professionally created presets
– Save countless hours of manual editing
– Fine tune details with precise controls
System Requirements
- Windows 7, 8 or 10 (64-bit only)
- Photoshop CS6 or Creative Cloud
- Photoshop Elements 13,14,15
- Corel PaintShop Pro X6, X7, X8, X9
- Lightroom 4 or newer, including v6 and CC
- 4 GB RAM or more
- OpenGL v2.0 or newer
Software Terkait Lainnya
- Light Image Resizer Full Terbaru
- Digital Anarchy Beauty Box 3.0.7 for Photoshop hanya 64 Bit
- Sothink Logo Maker Pro 4.4 Build 4625 Full Version
- Adobe InCopy CC 2017 Terbaru
Langkah Install
- download kemudian extract filenya
- lalu buka foldernya dan install dengan cara
doubleclick ” Silent.Install”, akan muncul cmd, di yes saja
- tunggu sampai menutup sendiri dan proses selesai
- menjalankan softwarenya dari shortcut desktop atau start menu
- enjoy full version
- salam luar biasa
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