Macpaw CleanMyPc Full Patch 2024

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Macpaw CleanMyPc Full Patch 2024

Macpaw Cleanmypc Full Patch adalah salah satu software tune up yang akan membersihkan semua data yang tidak berguna di laptop anda dengan sangat cepat dan mudah. Dengan menggunakan sofftware ini maka laptop anda akan terasa lebih ringan dan dapat bekerja lebih maksimal. Apakah anda tahu bahwa data sementara sisa-sisa browsing di , , atau browser lainnya dan juga data sementara yang disimpan di laptop anda jumlahnya bisa mencapai bergiga-giga? Ya file sebanyak itu hanyalah file sampah yang membebani kinerja laptop anda. Oleh karena itu alangkah bijaknya jika kita menghapus semua file sampah tersebut agar laptop kita dapat bekerja dengan lebih maksimal.

Virtualbox Full Crack

Jika anda ingin menghapus semua data tersebut secara manual, tentunya akan memakan banyak waktu dan tenaga. Oleh karena itu muncullah software ini sebagai solusi untuk anda. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini, maka anda dapat dengan mudah mengoptimalkan kinerja laptop anda. Cukup dengan beberapa klik saja maka MacPaw CleanMyPC Full ini akan membersihkan semua file sampah di laptop anda.

Features Of MacPaw CleanMyPC Full Crack :

  • Scanning
    During a scan MacPaw CleanMyPC Full analyzes your hard drive to find files which might be safely removed.
  • Caches & Logs
    While Windows and applications run on your computer they usually store chunks of “prepared” data on the hard drive to expedite load.
  • Help Files
    Most applications (as well as Windows itself) come with help files which contain information about program functionality and workflow.
  • Extra Languages
    Some applications also come with built-in language translations (for example Spanish, Russian or German).
  • Trash and Junk
    In this section MacPaw CleanMyPC Full scans for various files you can?t usually access on your own but still can remove.
  • Additional Utilities
    In addition to cleaning and scanning features CleanMyPC comes with a set of built-in utilities which are aimed to help you keep your computer reliable, fast, clean and working like a new one.
  • Secure Erase
    When you simply remove files to and from Recycle Bin they can still be brought back by third party data recovery software.
  • Complete Uninstall
    Most applications you have on your computer come with a dedicated uninstaller which removes the application you decide to stop using from your system.
  • Registry Cleanup
    The Windows registry is a database that stores configuration settings and options for Windows itself and for all installed applications.
  • Autorun
    While launching applications automatically with Windows is convenient some applications might do that without your knowledge and you might want to prevent them from automatically running.
  • Gadgets & Extensions Manager
    Windows (and some applications) install different Gadgets and Extensions onto your system.

Cara Instal :

  1. Download dan ekstrak file MacPaw CleanMyPC Full Patch pada link di bawah artikel ini.
  2. Ekstrak juga file patch yang ada di dalam folder tersebut.
  3. Matikan koneksi internet dan instal aplikasi “MacPaw CleanMyPC” seperti biasa.
  4. Setelah proses instalasi selesai, jangan anda buka dahulu programnya.
  5. Buka folder patch lalu copy pastekan file yang ada di dalamnya ke folder instalasi “MacPaw CleanMyPC” di laptop anda.
  6. Jalankan file patch dengan cara klik kanan >> run as administrator.
  7. Klik patch.
  8. Done.

Product Information

File Name Macpaw CleanMyPc
Developer MacPaw
License Type Full_Version
Last Updated January-5-2024
Uploaded by Bagas31 Team

System Requirements

  • Supported Operating System: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7.
  • Required RAM: 4 Gigabytes RAM (8 GB recommended).
  • Required Storage: 200 MB or more.

Download Links

Terbaru Version 

File Size: 30 MB

Password: 123

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