McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.8 Patch 16 Terbaru Version Download 2023
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.8 merupakan salah satu antivirus terbaik yang akan memberikan perlindungan yang baik pada komputer anda dari ancaman virus dan berbagai macam malware berbahaya yang saat ini banyak sekali bertebaran di internet. McAfee VirusScan Enterprise ini merupakan gabungan dari antivirus, anti-spyware, dan juga firewall yang didukung dengan tekonologi canggih yang akan mencegah dan menghapus perangkat lunak berbahaya yang masuk ke komputer anda.
Anda yang sering mendownload file dari internet sudah seharusnya menggunakan antivirus McAfee VirusScan Enterprise ini. Karena seperti kita tahu, banyak sekali malware yang sekarang masuk ke komputer kita melalui file yang kita download dari internet.
Disini anda tidak perlu lagi patch atau crack untuk mengaktifkan McAfee VirusScan Enterprise ini. Karena McAfee VirusScan Enterprise yang kami bagikan kali ini sudah otomatis aktif saat anda instal ke komputer anda. Yang perlu anda lakukan hanyalah mendownload file rarnya, kemudian anda ekstrak filenya, lalu anda klik 2x file “SetupVSE.exe”.
Fitur McAfee VirusScan Enterprise
- Ability to quickly search the system for infections
- Use the latest technologies to find malicious files
- Ability to scan and remove viruses and malware hidden in TXT and HTML files
- Prevent the spread of viruses that have not yet detected them.
- Ability to update automatically – Ability to quarantine suspicious files
- Quick scan of files when downloading
- Scan and remove malicious files without opening even a single page
- React to any errors and bugs.
- Identify spyware and hacks
- Search the contents of zip files (ZIP, RAR and…)
- Check sites for malicious files
- Has advanced Access Control to restrict various accesses
- Scan Caching system to prevent re-scanning of previously scanned files
- Protect the system against hacker attacks, and infected sites
- Use a very powerful McAfee database
Other Facilitites
- Advanced anti-spyware and anti-spyware capabilities
- Improve system performance when working and reduce memory and system resources
- Having three parts: firewall, antivirus and anti-spyware
- Software updates from the Internet
- No system performance reduction
- Ability to schedule updates and computer scans
- Memory guard to scan system processes moment by moment
- Proper use of system resources and not slow down the system after software installation
- Identify the latest viruses, trojans and the malicious files
- support for Windows Server
- scans disks and precision when performing a portable device
- capable of scanning emails sent and received by Microsoft Outlook
- Identify viruses that write themselves only in memory.
- Ability to deal with cyber attacks such as phishing and hackers
- Full protection of home and enterprise shared networks
- Ability to search and detect emails infected with malicious files
- High speed in scanning and detecting malicious files
- Prevent the execution of files and programs Adware
- Quickly scan incoming emails
Link Download
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.8 Patch 16 (61 Mb)
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.8 Patch 16 (61 Mb)