Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11 AIO Full Version 2023
Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11 AIO Full Version Merupakan kumpulan Sistem Operasi Windows dari mulai Windows 7, 8.1, 10 sampai dengan Windows 11 ( hanya 64 bit sudah Final MSDN RTM ) baik itu 32 bit dan 64 bit All in One 72 Jenis pilihan dan sudah terupdate sampai dengan bulan October 2021. Jika sebelumnya saya hanya share hanya sampai dengan Windows 10 => Windows 7, 8.1, 10 AIO Full Version terbaru update february 2021, ada tambahan keluarga baru yakni Windows 11 yang sudah final version dan hanya versi 64 bit. Windows AIO yang dimana seluruh versi windows dari mulai windows 7, 8 dan windows 10 baik itu versi 32 bit dan 64 bit included dalam satu file ini, sangat cocok untuk anda para teknisi yang sering sekali install komputer, jadi tidak repot dan ribet. cukup 1 flashdisk anda dapat memilih installer windows sesuai kebutuhan pengguna atau spek komputer.
kesemuanya sudah integrasi update sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2021 ini, jadi anda tentu selain mendapatkan versi windows 7 8 10 dan 11 anda juga sudah mendapatkan windows paling update. List informasi Windowsnya bisa dapat anda lihat di bawah.
List of Windows AIO
Windows ALL (7,8.1,10,11) All Editions With Updates AIO 85in1 (x86/x64)
1. “Windows 7 ENTERPRISEN x86”
2. “Windows 7 ENTERPRISE x86”
3. “Windows 7 STARTERN x86”
4. “Windows 7 HOMEBASICN x86”
5. “Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUMN x86”
6. “Windows 7 PROFESSIONALN x86”
7. “Windows 7 ULTIMATEN x86”
8. “Windows 7 STARTER x86”
9. “Windows 7 HOMEBASIC x86”
10. “Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM x86”
11. “Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL x86”
12. “Windows 7 ULTIMATE x86”
13. “Windows 7 ENTERPRISEN x64”
14. “Windows 7 ENTERPRISE x64”
15. “Windows 7 HOMEBASICN x64”
16. “Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUMN x64”
17. “Windows 7 PROFESSIONALN x64”
18. “Windows 7 ULTIMATEN x64”
19. “Windows 7 HOMEBASIC x64”
20. “Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM x64”
21. “Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL x64”
22. “Windows 7 ULTIMATE x64”
23. “Windows 8.1 Enterprise N x86”
24. “Windows 8.1 Enterprise x86”
25. “Windows 8.1 Pro N x86”
26. “Windows 8.1 N x86”
27. “Windows 8.1 Pro x86”
28. “Windows 8.1 x86”
29. “Windows 8.1 Single Language x86”
30. “Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise x86”
31. “Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro x86”
32. “Windows 8.1 Enterprise N x64”
33. “Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64”
34. “Windows 8.1 Pro N x64”
35. “Windows 8.1 N x64”
36. “Windows 8.1 Pro x64”
37. “Windows 8.1 x64”
38. “Windows 8.1 Single Language x64”
39. “Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise x64”
40. “Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro x64”
41. “Windows 10 Home x86”
42. “Windows 10 Home N x86”
43. “Windows 10 Home Single Language x86”
44. “Windows 10 Education x86”
45. “Windows 10 Education N x86”
46. “Windows 10 Pro x86”
47. “Windows 10 Pro N x86”
48. “Windows 10 Pro Education x86”
49. “Windows 10 Pro Education N x86”
50. “Windows 10 Pro for Workstations x86”
51. “Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations x86”
52. “Windows 10 Enterprise x86”
53. “Windows 10 Enterprise N x86”
54. “Windows 10 Home x64”
55. “Windows 10 Home N x64”
56. “Windows 10 Home Single Language x64”
57. “Windows 10 Education x64”
58. “Windows 10 Education N x64”
59. “Windows 10 Pro x64”
60. “Windows 10 Pro N x64”
61. “Windows 10 Pro Education x64”
62. “Windows 10 Pro Education N x64”
63. “Windows 10 Pro for Workstations x64”
64. “Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations x64”
65. “Windows 10 Enterprise x64”
66. “Windows 10 Enterprise N x64”
67. “Windows 11 Home x64”
68. “Windows 11 Pro x64”
69. “Windows 11 Pro Education x64”
70. “Windows 11 Pro for Workstations x64”
71. “Windows 11 Education x64”
72. “Windows 11 Enterprise x64”
Windows x86 Working Fine !! Choose Windows Setup ( 32 bit ) First Boot
Windows 11, 10 And 8.1 And 7 in One With Oktober 2021 Updates.
Langkah Install
- Download kemudian extract file nya
- kemudian silahkan buat bootable Flashdisk minimal 32 gb
Baca : cara membuat bootable Flashkdisk
- Setelah install windows melalui booting
- enjoy install seperti biasa
- salam luar biasa
Penting !: Agar versi 32 bitnya berfungsi, gunakan format MBR BIOS saat membuat bootable ! Saat pertama Boot, Pilih sesuai versi Windows Setup ( 32 bit ) atau ( 64 bit )=> Lihat gambar , karena jika kalian pilih Windows Setup 64 bit, dan yang di pilih OSnya x86 misalnya, pasti akan gagal walapun di listnya campur x86 dan x64 !
dalam Windows 7-8.1-10-11 AIO Full Version ini, versinya sudah Windows 11 ver 10.0.22000.194 21H2 MSDN Final dan Windows 10 21H1 19043.1052
=> | Langkah cek MD5
New ! Size: 17.5 Gb | @Part 3 Gb | Termasuk Windows 11 ( Tanpa TPM ) MSDN Final Oktober 2021
=> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | via OD
=> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | via gdrive k6
======================Yang belum selesai download Edisi July 2021, di bawah ini !
=> | Langkah cek MD5
Size: 15.5 Gb | @Part 3 Gb
=> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | via OD
=> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | via gdrive k3